What is SDLC Process Improvement and Why does it Matter?
A lot of clients ask us about SDLC Process Improvement and what does it mean.
What is the Benefit of a ‘best practice’ SDLC?
A properly implemented software development lifecycle (SDLC) can make all the difference in the world for you, your company and most certainly – your customers.
You can enjoy consistent, predictable time-to-market deliveries and ‘best of breed’ product quality.
Where do I start with SDLC Process Improvement? 
Highly effective SDLC comes down to risk reduction, which means identifying (and mitigating) those risks – so you can design and build a consistent process for reliable product delivery.
When you are pouring everything into building a device that will change the Industry (and help save lives) then you need to take a serious look at your process – first.
There is nothing more exhilarating than identifying a serious market need (coming up with the absolute best solution) and delivering on time, to rave reviews and customers singing your praises.
Yet, without a consistent product delivery schedule…the exhilaration soon becomes frustration and then agony. For both you and the customers for which you have made key promises.
So – how do you achieve total confidence in your project release capacity?
You begin with a software development lifecycle gap analysis.
Here is how it works.
Start by defining what you want:
- On-time releases
- Zero critical defects in production
- Continually improved customer satisfaction with your product(s)
Then perform a fully independent, unbiased gap analysis of your product delivery processes…and make sure it is executed ruthlessly. Only the hard truth can save you, so taking a mercenary approach will yield hard results that you can work with.
What is the Benefit of SDLC Process Improvement?
The more effective your SDLC process is, the shorter your time-to-market. Equally important, you’ll have much happier customers (and more of them) as word spreads about your amazing products… that arrived when you said they would. 😉
All of this is possible when you implement industry ‘best practice’ across your SDLC.
Who has benefitted from your Support?
Let us take a look at one of our Process Guru’s successful SDLC Process Improvement projects:
“Every day we are challenged with finding ways to improve quality of software development while decreasing time-to-market. Specific areas we focused on were automated tools for development and test, increased transparency and traceability, automated regression analysis and repeatable predictable outcomes.’
‘Charlie Gragg and his team assessed our current development and test situation and presented the best path forward for addressing our specific needs. If you have a similar need, Charlie is the right resource to meet your requirements.’
‘I highly recommend him and his team.’”
Vice President, Device Engineering, Hospital Products
Baxter Healthcare
Industry Best Practices
Advantu’s Process Improvement Methodology draws upon the extraordinarily successful techniques of the Ishikawa Diagram and 5 Why’s to determine cause and effect relationships.

We focus on the following major process improvement categories:
- People
- Methods
- Environment
- Measurement
The initial Identification of possible Targeted Improvements is captured via Advantu’s Gap Analysis Process.
- Internal and External Audit Findings
- Review of Open and Closed CAPAs
- Past Lessons Learned
- Development, Manufacturing and Quality Team observations
The identified Causes from the above process are then decomposed into likely “Contributors.”
The “5 Whys” technique is then applied to the likely Contributors to identify the most beneficial improvement solutions. Typically, these projects start around 3 weeks and will just need 2 hours per day of your team’s time.
Reach out today and request a Free Consultation. It’s a straight forward process, and we think you’ll agree – the earlier you start, the earlier you’re on the path to a highly improved process with a newly energized team – armed for success!